So as I'm going through all the ornaments, I couldn't help but laugh at a few that she left behind and didn't take with her to use on her new, smaller tree at the condo. In fact, the description that comes to mind is the Misfit Toys from the 1964 (yes, I had to look that date up) claymation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie! See below, remember??
I really got a kick out of a few of these and I thought you might too!! Mom, Aunt Janet, Aunt Joyce I would assume you would have to remember a few of these because it looks like they could have come from your time at home!! Mama, you know I'm very thankful for all the decorations...but these didn't make the cut for your tree, and a few of them didn't make ours either :)
Oh wait...there's MORE!!
A sparkle covered yellow bear, a red plaid foam bird, and a fluff ball that looks like it might be some kind of soldier or nutcracker...
All the sad ornaments going to the Island of Misfit Toys. Mama if there is anything in there of great sentimental value to you, tell me now and I'll save it!
Anyway, on to our beautiful, first Christmas tree :)
My little Accord didn't know what to think with that big tree on the roof...not to mention the Boy Scouts tied it on with a strand of kite string! I drove home from base going 30mph with my hazards on!! But I made it!
Aside from all the joking about a few of the ornaments...I love all the others Mama gave us to make it a family tree full of love, and I'm very grateful to have them!! And notice the tree skirt, it's just like the one my parents have at home, that makes me really's the small things!
Anyway, on to our beautiful, first Christmas tree :)
I had big plans of sending out a Christmas card this year with a cute Italian picture, but by the time I had it together enough to get started on it, they wouldn't make it out in time. I have to order them online and have them sent to me and then I'd still have to mail them out. I wasn't going to do a letter because after updating a blog a few times a week, a letter would be very repetitive...there's not much more I could even tell you...I tell all (well, most) on here! So anyway, in place of a card...I'm giving you this:
I had big plans of sending out a Christmas card this year with a cute Italian picture, but by the time I had it together enough to get started on it, they wouldn't make it out in time. I have to order them online and have them sent to me and then I'd still have to mail them out. I wasn't going to do a letter because after updating a blog a few times a week, a letter would be very repetitive...there's not much more I could even tell you...I tell all (well, most) on here! So anyway, in place of a card...I'm giving you this:
My family discovered this a few years ago and I thought it was hysterical...they have now come out with new and improved versions...this one really made me laugh... (give it a minute to load...the red and white candy stripes might take 30 seconds or so)
But this one is probably more our style!!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our family and friends!!
Buon Natale!
I can't believe you are insulting the ornaments of my childhood! If I could figure out the technology part, I would upload some of the lovely ornaments that you have made in Sunday School over the years:) Your tree is beautiful. Love, Mom