First of all, Happy 24th Birthday to my bubba, Drew! His birthday was yesterday. I told him it is weird to think he is 24 because I still feel 24! Oh sounds as if he had a fun day and a great family dinner at Shane's with homemade turtle cheesecake afterwards. Mmmmm...jealous :) So I'm glad he had a special day, and I missed being there with him!
I consider myself a very independent and fairly brave person. I drove from Knoxville to Philadelphia by myself in college, I've made the Florida to Nashville drive alone a few times, I traveled the Northeast by plane, train, and bus solo...and I feel very able to take care of myself.
Then I got married. I find myself being so much more dependant on Taylor for things that I know good and well I can do on my own. I couldn't get the dishwasher closed the other day...I fiddled and messed with it for awhile, then asked Taylor to do it. Embarrassingly enough, it was a tall cup hitting a low hanging part of the dishwasher, and I would have figured that out if I was on my own.
I have been putting off a trip to Ikea (about an hour and a half away) because I was nervous to go by myself. Mostly I was nervous to be able to make it there on my own. When determining what to do today, I decided to suck it up and head to Ikea by myself. When I weighed my options...tackling the trip alone beat out listening to Taylor's complaints about having to shop with me.
Now I feel my nerves to go alone to Ikea are PARTLY justified due to the language barrier...that makes everything much more difficult and a bit more nerve wracking. But, we've been there before, so I had a good general idea where I was going. So I loaded up myself, my nerves, and my pillow (to match curtain colors) and headed out around 12:45 today. Of course 12:45 is right in the middle of reposo (the 2ish hour break in the middle of the day for lunch/naps when everything closes) And I had a quarter of a tank of gas. Yes, the gas stations close too. Some of them have machines that allow you to pay in Euro and pump gas, but we buy gas with coupons that we pay for on base to help even out the cost of gas over here as compared to the States.
For example: We are allowed 300 Liters of gas coupons per month. We buy coupons for all 300 liters of our gas for approximately 270ish dollars on base. We have a year to use the coupons, so right now we have lots of extra. We then take the coupons to the gas station and give it to them in payment for our gas. There are two types of gas stations that take the gas coupons through out Italy. So I decided to hop on the autostrada and hopefully I would come across one of those stations on the way to Padova (the city Ikea is located). The gas stations on the autostrada don't usually close for reposo.
Well I'm driving, driving, driving, gas is under a quarter of a tank, I'm getting more and more nervous, and finally a gas station, but of course it's not one of the brands that takes coupons. I decided I needed the gas anyway, I'd just have to pay. Just to make you feel better about what you pay. I bought a half a tank which is about 7 gallons and it cost me 30 Euro...that is about 40 dollars. That equals out to almost $4.00 a gallon!! Thank goodness for our coupons!! But anyway...I was feeling much better. I pulled out the GPS, but I think it was more for my mental comfort rather then actually needing it because we discovered last time Ikea's address doesn't register on our GPS so it doesn't take you right there.
Anyway...point is, I made it to Ikea just fine. Just because I take a few more wrong turns and drive in a few more circles then with Taylor, doesn't mean I can't do it on my own. And thank goodness I was alone for the shopping, I made the right decision since it took me an hour to pick out two sets of curtains (I already had my mind set on two I'd seen last time I was there) and two plants. Ha! But I had to make sure I was making good purchases! I checked out about every plant and size and price and settled on a small tree and a tall palm like plant. And guess what...they're LIVE! What? Who knew Ikea carries LIVE plants. It seriously took me about 15 minutes to determine if they were real or not because they're all indoors, they are a perfect green and look full and fake! I walked around to all of their plants touching a lot of them before finally convincing myself they were real plants. I had intentions to go and buy fake ones because last time I was there I saw them and thought they were all fake!
So I packed my two trees with dirt and all in the trunk of my little Accord (with the seats folded down so there was room) and I headed back home. And I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself. No parle Italiano can't stop me!
And funny story, when I got home I unloaded the trees and put one in our bedroom and the tall plant in the guest bedroom. So an hour later Taylor comes home from work, goes upstairs in the bedroom to change and comes back down. He said nothing, which I thought was odd because he thinks my love of trees and plants indoors is crazy and usually comments when I mention needing one for the bedroom! So I asked him if he noticed the new addition to the room, he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I said, "there is a TREE in our bedroom!!!" He says, "oh, no way, really? Where did you put it?" It's right in the corner next to our dresser- and can I mention that we ONLY have a bed, a dresser, and two night stands in the room and the tree is about 4-5 feet tall??? He said, "I put my bag right there, I don't know how I missed it!?" Awhile later he went upstairs and said, "I'll be...there sure is a tree up there, and it's about a foot away from where I dropped my bag!" Such oblivion!!! We both were very amused at his lack of observation!!
And speaking of brave...I must have been on a roll this week. Yesterday I went to the Aviano Officers and Civilian Spouse Club (AOCSC) luncheon. It's pretty much a spouse club that does social events and charity events and it's a way to be involved on base. I went alone, knowing no one! As you can imagine it's tough to go to a luncheon alone...just picture me walking around a bit awkwardly attempting to find a seat at a table. I finally did and ended up at a table of wives from the Maintenance Squadron. I found out that most the ladies congregate by squadron (Pilot, Medical, Maintenance, etc) but none of the officer wives from Security Forces participate in the group, so no one was there. But the ladies from the maintenance squadron were very welcoming and nice to me! We had a good lunch and I got a couple girls numbers. They go skiing on Wednesday mornings at Piancavallo (the mountains right by base- about a 20 minute drive) so hopefully I'll try that out! And I made plans with one of the other girls to head down to Nove to replace some ceramics that broke in the mail to my parents! So it was a productive lunch, but the jury is still out if I will join the AOCSC, I'm still thinking and debating it.
And now on to something totally opposite of what I have been talking about. In fact my post will sound quite frivolous and mundane in comparison...
In my last post I asked for advice and suggestions and I appreciate all the responses for places to visit as well as blogs to read. I have to mention on here one of the blogs that was recommended to me by my friend, Leanne.
This blog is written by a girl from Brentwood. For those non Tennesseeans, Brentwood is a neighboring town to Franklin. This girl, Katie Davis, graduated from Ravenwood High School in 2006. She took a year "break" to work in an orphanage in Uganda after high school. She fell in love with the country and the children of the deprived country. She ended up staying over there. She just turned 21 and in the last 3 years she has started a non-profit organization that sponsors 400 children to go to school, provides them with school supplies, medical care, and meals, she feeds approximately 1000 children a week from a shunned, poorest of poor village, she has bought a house, and has adopted 14 girls of her own. She knows with all of her heart that she is doing God's work with the children over there. She speaks so beautifully of her faith and her confidence in her calling to live and LOVE in Uganda. She is unbelievable and her blog is so inspirational. I started reading it from the beginning, two nights ago and after two nights of staying up until 2 am readin, laughing, and crying I have finally been caught up to her recent post from today. Anyway, point is I HIGHLY, HIGHLY encourage you to check out the blog and read a bit. I am going to include one of her posts on here so you can see a clip of it.
The blog address is:
"there once was a woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do..." (from an old nursery rhyme)
Actually, I think that shoe is a small African house and I am that woman. So many children. So much joy, I don't know what to do. Last night 140 children spent the night on my floor. (well about 17 slept in my bed) Lauren, one of my visitors, said, "I have never seen so much chaos!" Oh, its good to be home. Yesterday at Friday Bible study, all the children sang me a song that they made up and practiced all month. They sang : "We the children of Amazima, we are happy to see you mommy. We missed you mommy Katie. We love you, We love you, Welcome home!" And I was afraid that my heart might burts. Yes, what we lack in money, and medical care, and food, we make up for in joy.
On the topic of lacking in medical care and food, money is tight as always. This morning I noticed a rash on little Zuula, one of this kids in my program, that I thought was syphilis. Upon inspection of her other brothers and sisters though, we concluded it was scabbies, a skin disease caused, basically, by constantly being filthy and not bathing. It sharts as a rash and then grows, open wounds festering on the skin. Eventually it looks like somthing has been eating the flesh. Scabbies can be spread through skin contact so six out of the eight children from that family were infected. I have been to their house a while ago and remeber it being one of the worst living conditions I have ever seen. All 8 children live with their widowed aunt and dying grandmother who do their best to provide, but often all their hard work is not enought to keep 8 children healthy. They live 6 miles from the nearest water hole, so they use the same water over and over. all the children sleep in a pile like dogs in the corner of the small dirt house. Somehow, these children dance and laugh and sing just like any others.
The on call nurse at the nearest hospital told me that to cure scabbies the kids must bathe twice a day in warm water and then rub a certain ointment on their skin. They can not share water, towels or ointement, obviously. But you have read the description of their home. How in the world will these children get enough water for all six of them to have their own bath. If they can get the water, how will they make it warm. They dont own one towel, let alone six. This is where I come in. I have running water, a heater when power is on and a fire in the back yard when it isn't. I have extra towels and sheets. I have strong hands that can rub ointment all over these darling children. And the truth is, I couldn't be happier to help them. Yes, if I had it my way, I would just bathe children with sabbies all day every day.
So now, instead of just my seven gils, there are 13 children living in my house. To a mom of 150, this shouldn't be a big deal, but it still feels overwhelming at times. The six children : Moses, Saazi, Vivian, Bashir, Zuula and Shadia were delighted by their warm baths. They seemed nervous as i rubbed their peeling decaying skin with ointment and for a brief moment I was too, what if i catch it? But my fear lasted only a split second. Didn't Jesus sit amoung the lepers? Yes. Hasn't He assigned me to "do unto the least of my children"? Yes. He has given this assignment. He has given me these hands that have the ability to help and heal. I am simply blessed to be able to use them.
Needless to say, we could use your prayers. It is going to be a challenge to bathe and dress six children's wounds and find them clean towels and at the same time keep them far enough away from my own children that we don't all get infected without making them feel like outcasts. It will be near impossible to come up with all the money I need to pay for all these children's medical bills, pay my employees, and feed my family.
Yes, it will be brilliantly, wonderfully difficult.
"But who, being innocent, has ever perished?"
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Suggestions Appreciated
I just have to say that I have now been writing the blog for about 10 months and I LOVE when people tell me they are reading it! I started it for my family to keep up with my travels in April and May and decided it could be very helpful when we moved to Italy, so I should keep it up. This has proved true and I know my family enjoys reading it. And it is just a nice bonus when other people tell me they enjoy reading it as well! It takes me quite awhile to write the blog updates so it helps reaffirm the time and detail I put into THANK YOU for reading! I mean, let's be's not like I have anything else to be doing right now with my spare time...but it's still a lot of work!!
And on a side note...I love reading people's blogs too. Even when it's friends from high school that I haven't seen in awhile, I just really enjoy blog style writing, and it's even better with pictures! The other thing I started looking at the other day was cake decorating blogs. For about a year and a half now I have had it in the back of my mind that I would love to do cake decorating. When I went to meet with the lady who did our wedding cake I was very fascinated with how she started cake decorating. She said she started by taking a class with her friend and she kept it up and her friend quit...and about 10 or so years later she now has this huge portfolio of gorgeous cakes! I keep thinking I have just enough artistic ability that I might be able to do this...and I certainly have a love for baking! I need an excuse to try this out...something to bake a cake for. But for now it's staying as a thought in the back of my mind...I'll let you know when I take it further. I know I just went on a little cake decorating tangent...but my original point was about blogs and if anyone reads any good blogs I'd love for you to share...I'm always up for some new reading! (Along with Harry Potter I'm currently reading for the 3rd time!!)
I know I never really ask for opinions or recommendations on here, but I am now and would love any and all responses...please!
So Taylor planned our whole Christmas trip to Austria, and last night I asked where we should go for President's Day weekend. He said he wasn't sure, but he thought it should be my turn to plan this trip and come up with some places to go. So I'm looking for suggestions from anyone who has traveled to Europe or has friends who have, or heck, maybe you watch a lot of Travel Channel and you have some good suggestions...whatever...I'm not picky! We would like to leave Italy, but besides other requirements. We will probably leave Friday night and return home Monday. So we would have 2 good days in the city. Let me know what you think!
So Taylor had a great time on his "guys weekend" trip. I think he enjoyed his time away...and anytime he's skiing, it's gonna be a good trip! Taylor's mom asked him if I enjoyed my alone response was, I enjoyed a bit of it, but I have lots of alone time these days so it's really not a hot commodity for me! I did have a girls night on Saturday which was fun.
And I'm still waiting on work...still waiting...still waiting. AHHHH!!! I had this big dilemma. As I mentioned previously, Taylor's brother Phillip is getting married on January 30th and he is heading home for the wedding next week. I assumed I would be working and didn't think I could ask for time off work when I just started, so I decided to stay here. Well we are now a little over a week away from the wedding and I'm still waiting on a local clearance from Family Advocacy to go through Human Resources before I can be in-processed and start working. They can't give me a definite time of when that will come through, but they say ideally I will be in-processed by Friday. But it is now Wednesday and I have yet to hear from HR. I would LOVE, LOVE to be at the wedding and to be home with family and friends for a week, so I'm torn! I just don't think I can risk going home because I don't want to ask for a week off, in case all my paperwork goes through. This process has already taken 2 months, I hate to extend it any more time then necessary. I just don't think I'd be starting off on the right foot if I left my first week eligible to work. But on the other side, I'm going to be very upset if I missed the opportunity to go home AND I haven't started work.
Taylor and I have very different views, he says "we've ONLY been gone three months", while I say, "we've been gone a WHOLE three months". Time at home is much more vital to my well being then it is to him...he puts up a strong front! But I CAN DO IT. No worries, I'll be fine, just maybe a bit jealous and bitter...but fine, none the less!! I'm excited to hear all about the beautiful wedding and to see lots of pictures!
Alright, I'm off to spend a little time outside. Five days of sunshine over here. I'm not sure if we've had five days in a row since we've been here! I told my mom (and Leanne), but I'll tell you why it's sunny. I just ordered my first pair of rainboots from Target and they arrived on's been sunny ever since! Go figure!
Ciao, bella!!
And on a side note...I love reading people's blogs too. Even when it's friends from high school that I haven't seen in awhile, I just really enjoy blog style writing, and it's even better with pictures! The other thing I started looking at the other day was cake decorating blogs. For about a year and a half now I have had it in the back of my mind that I would love to do cake decorating. When I went to meet with the lady who did our wedding cake I was very fascinated with how she started cake decorating. She said she started by taking a class with her friend and she kept it up and her friend quit...and about 10 or so years later she now has this huge portfolio of gorgeous cakes! I keep thinking I have just enough artistic ability that I might be able to do this...and I certainly have a love for baking! I need an excuse to try this out...something to bake a cake for. But for now it's staying as a thought in the back of my mind...I'll let you know when I take it further. I know I just went on a little cake decorating tangent...but my original point was about blogs and if anyone reads any good blogs I'd love for you to share...I'm always up for some new reading! (Along with Harry Potter I'm currently reading for the 3rd time!!)
I know I never really ask for opinions or recommendations on here, but I am now and would love any and all responses...please!
So Taylor planned our whole Christmas trip to Austria, and last night I asked where we should go for President's Day weekend. He said he wasn't sure, but he thought it should be my turn to plan this trip and come up with some places to go. So I'm looking for suggestions from anyone who has traveled to Europe or has friends who have, or heck, maybe you watch a lot of Travel Channel and you have some good suggestions...whatever...I'm not picky! We would like to leave Italy, but besides other requirements. We will probably leave Friday night and return home Monday. So we would have 2 good days in the city. Let me know what you think!
So Taylor had a great time on his "guys weekend" trip. I think he enjoyed his time away...and anytime he's skiing, it's gonna be a good trip! Taylor's mom asked him if I enjoyed my alone response was, I enjoyed a bit of it, but I have lots of alone time these days so it's really not a hot commodity for me! I did have a girls night on Saturday which was fun.
And I'm still waiting on work...still waiting...still waiting. AHHHH!!! I had this big dilemma. As I mentioned previously, Taylor's brother Phillip is getting married on January 30th and he is heading home for the wedding next week. I assumed I would be working and didn't think I could ask for time off work when I just started, so I decided to stay here. Well we are now a little over a week away from the wedding and I'm still waiting on a local clearance from Family Advocacy to go through Human Resources before I can be in-processed and start working. They can't give me a definite time of when that will come through, but they say ideally I will be in-processed by Friday. But it is now Wednesday and I have yet to hear from HR. I would LOVE, LOVE to be at the wedding and to be home with family and friends for a week, so I'm torn! I just don't think I can risk going home because I don't want to ask for a week off, in case all my paperwork goes through. This process has already taken 2 months, I hate to extend it any more time then necessary. I just don't think I'd be starting off on the right foot if I left my first week eligible to work. But on the other side, I'm going to be very upset if I missed the opportunity to go home AND I haven't started work.
Taylor and I have very different views, he says "we've ONLY been gone three months", while I say, "we've been gone a WHOLE three months". Time at home is much more vital to my well being then it is to him...he puts up a strong front! But I CAN DO IT. No worries, I'll be fine, just maybe a bit jealous and bitter...but fine, none the less!! I'm excited to hear all about the beautiful wedding and to see lots of pictures!
Alright, I'm off to spend a little time outside. Five days of sunshine over here. I'm not sure if we've had five days in a row since we've been here! I told my mom (and Leanne), but I'll tell you why it's sunny. I just ordered my first pair of rainboots from Target and they arrived on's been sunny ever since! Go figure!
Ciao, bella!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Lunch With Rosario...
I know I mentioned Rosario on here earlier, but he is our 83 year old Italian neighbor. His wife died about 5 months before we moved in and he is such a nice man who is excited for any company! He comes by at least once a week to bring us plates of spaghetti, local Italian fruits, treats, or anything else he happens to be cooking! He had us over for dinner a few months ago and he came over to our house a couple weeks ago and brought pizza he picked up in town. I try to go by to visit him once a week or so, because he LOVES company. He gives lots of kisses and hugs and is like a grandpa :)
I went by to visit him this past week for a little while and I had mentioned that Taylor would be out of town this weekend, skiing with his friends. So on Sunday (today) afternoon he comes knocking on my door to invite me over for spaghetti for lunch since Taylor was gone!! How sweet is that?
I woke up late today, around 10am, and ate 2 pieces of banana bread for breakfast around 11. Rosario came knocking on my door at 11:30 and asked if I could come over in 20 minutes. So I was a bit full from breakfast, but of course I went over there! And the Italians eat such large meals with lots of courses! So he had bruschetta on the table when I got there (which was all set with napkins in the glasses and all) and poured me a glass of red wine. Then we had delicious spaghetti with meat sauce (carne, in Italian). I was SOO stuffed. Then he pulled out the bread and a vegetable dish with carrots, onions, eggplant, zuchini, potatoes, I had to have a little of that, because I feel awful saying no, but I didn't think the food was going to fit in my fact I'm not sure it did...I think it barely made it past my throat!! And then he pulled out the salami (a special kind from Spain) and cut me a few pieces and told me to eat it with bread....and I needed more wine with the salami! I about burst!
He's so funny though...he knows pretty decent English...I'd say I understand about 80% of what he says. But he forgets words sometimes and says his head is too full with information because he is old and he can't remember the right words! He always talks about how everyone is moving to Italy and taking jobs. He says there are way too many people moving here...and crazy people who kill. Although when he talks in his broken English, with a thick accent, and hand motions, it makes it a bit funny. And today he was telling me about having to go to the eye doctor to get his eyes checked so he can keep driving. He said he used to go every 10 years, then every 5 years, and now every 3 years (or maybe every year now). But he said he doesn't like wearing his glasses when he drives because he has one good eye and one bad eye. So he said the doctor is his friend and he took it off his license that he had to wear his glasses, he was excited about that!! He says he drives better without them...I'm not so convinced of that! Although I rarely see him driving, he has 3 boys that live in the area and they come and visit and pick him up to do a lot of stuff. But I know he still likes having his license!
Anyway, we had a nice lunch and he filled me to the brim...but I have a hard time telling him no. Like the other day he offered me some type of local Italian something or seemed like a mix between a nut and a dried fruit...but I REALLY wasn't a fan. So I tried one and then he gave me another one...I had to hide it in my pocket when he got up to get something because I couldn't swallow another one...but I just don't have the heart to say no! But we're lucky to have such a nice neighbor!
Just thought I'd share! Taylor is having a blast skiing. When I talked to him last night it sounds like they had a fun adventure...he got stuck and frustrated in the snow and had one big wipeout, but he's having fun! He'll be home tomorrow. I kept him updated on the UT fiasco with text messages until they finally made a final decision with Dooley. We'll see how that pans out...hope it was a good move. I don't know enough about any of that to make an educated statement, so I'll leave it with; I hope for the best.
I went by to visit him this past week for a little while and I had mentioned that Taylor would be out of town this weekend, skiing with his friends. So on Sunday (today) afternoon he comes knocking on my door to invite me over for spaghetti for lunch since Taylor was gone!! How sweet is that?
I woke up late today, around 10am, and ate 2 pieces of banana bread for breakfast around 11. Rosario came knocking on my door at 11:30 and asked if I could come over in 20 minutes. So I was a bit full from breakfast, but of course I went over there! And the Italians eat such large meals with lots of courses! So he had bruschetta on the table when I got there (which was all set with napkins in the glasses and all) and poured me a glass of red wine. Then we had delicious spaghetti with meat sauce (carne, in Italian). I was SOO stuffed. Then he pulled out the bread and a vegetable dish with carrots, onions, eggplant, zuchini, potatoes, I had to have a little of that, because I feel awful saying no, but I didn't think the food was going to fit in my fact I'm not sure it did...I think it barely made it past my throat!! And then he pulled out the salami (a special kind from Spain) and cut me a few pieces and told me to eat it with bread....and I needed more wine with the salami! I about burst!
He's so funny though...he knows pretty decent English...I'd say I understand about 80% of what he says. But he forgets words sometimes and says his head is too full with information because he is old and he can't remember the right words! He always talks about how everyone is moving to Italy and taking jobs. He says there are way too many people moving here...and crazy people who kill. Although when he talks in his broken English, with a thick accent, and hand motions, it makes it a bit funny. And today he was telling me about having to go to the eye doctor to get his eyes checked so he can keep driving. He said he used to go every 10 years, then every 5 years, and now every 3 years (or maybe every year now). But he said he doesn't like wearing his glasses when he drives because he has one good eye and one bad eye. So he said the doctor is his friend and he took it off his license that he had to wear his glasses, he was excited about that!! He says he drives better without them...I'm not so convinced of that! Although I rarely see him driving, he has 3 boys that live in the area and they come and visit and pick him up to do a lot of stuff. But I know he still likes having his license!
Anyway, we had a nice lunch and he filled me to the brim...but I have a hard time telling him no. Like the other day he offered me some type of local Italian something or seemed like a mix between a nut and a dried fruit...but I REALLY wasn't a fan. So I tried one and then he gave me another one...I had to hide it in my pocket when he got up to get something because I couldn't swallow another one...but I just don't have the heart to say no! But we're lucky to have such a nice neighbor!
Just thought I'd share! Taylor is having a blast skiing. When I talked to him last night it sounds like they had a fun adventure...he got stuck and frustrated in the snow and had one big wipeout, but he's having fun! He'll be home tomorrow. I kept him updated on the UT fiasco with text messages until they finally made a final decision with Dooley. We'll see how that pans out...hope it was a good move. I don't know enough about any of that to make an educated statement, so I'll leave it with; I hope for the best.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Fire Wood...
"And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long...I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels''s to all my sisters out there keepin' it country..."
Think a little Gretchen Wilson here. Yes, we just took down our Christmas tree today.
And I told you it was DEAD!
After taking off the ornaments on Monday...

Lots and lots of sweeping...
Winding up the lights...
Think a little Gretchen Wilson here. Yes, we just took down our Christmas tree today.
And I told you it was DEAD!
Where does that phrase come from and what's a door nail? Ha, anyway, that's real sad. That was after taking the lights off in the yard. Taylor said, "wow, I knew it was dead, but I didn't think it was THIS bad". I've been telling him we need to take the tree down for about 2 weeks now!
And in other exciting news, Taylor just bought a ticket back to the States for his brother, Phillip's wedding to Miss Jennifer Bishop! Jennifer and Phillip have been dating since high school and listen to this crazy story.
Jennifer and I were literally next door neighbors in Maplewood when she was born until she was about 4 or 5. Our families were great friends, but slowly began to lose touch over the years after the Bishops moved out of the neighborhood and we all grew up. Jennifer and Phillip went to high school together and they started dating. When he said he went to First Pres Church, the Bishops said, oh we had some good friends who went there, you probably don't know them, but they are the Peterson's. At this point Taylor and I had been dating for about 5 or 6 yeah, Phillip knew us :) Our families have since seen each other quite a bit and our mom's do girls trips together with the old Maplewood crew. So 20 years later Jennifer and I are going to be sister-in-laws...what a small, small world, huh?
Could work possibly start this week? I'm taking bets...
Ciao Bella!
Friday, January 8, 2010
This and That
Never fear my friends, I'm here and doing MUCH better then my last post! Thanks to my little boo hoo chat with Taylor, writing on the blog, and some nice messages from friends and family. As Diane (one of my childhood best friends) said, "it's good that you do get homesick because that means home is a good place." Very true.
I emailed the AOCSC about joining and going to the next social, which happens to be Jan 14th, so I'm getting information about that. Intramural volleyball starts here in February, so hopefully I'll be able to do that. And my job is close to starting (I think) they're waiting on one more local clearance to go through. Just for the record, this has been the most extensive process I've ever gone through...have no fear that your children are in good hands at the base Youth Center. It included:
Driving History- including dates of tickets and addresses of courts that dealt with them (dating back 7 years)
TB Test
Local Driving Record
Transcripts-high school and college
Clearance check at Family Advocacy and Counseling
Background Check-including every place I've lived (7 years) and someone who can verify it there, every job/unemployment period (7 years) and someone who can verify it, every school i've attended and verified, and 3 close friends not being used to verify things on other parts of the application!!! THAT took awhile!
And after ALL that, I'm still waiting on transcripts that I requested in the middle of November!!! After receiving a hand signed authorization from me, they were finally sent November 30, but I never received them. They have now been RE-requested and we'll see if they come through this time. I have convinced Human Resources to let me start at a base pay until my transcripts come in so they don't hold up this whole process any longer!!
On to other things...there is a new captain in the squadron so we had a welcome dinner for him and his wife at Cassabianca, a local restaurant. They have a 2 year old and she is 6 months pregnant with her second. I thought moving was overwhelming with just the two of us, I can't even imagine having an extra 1 and a half in tow!!!
Taylor's flight went into a training schedule which has put him on a Monday through Friday schedule which he loves and it has been nice for me too! (Especially once I start working) He works much more normal hours and is actually home between 5-6 instead of 7-8pm.
I have decided to use some Christmas money towards decorating the guest room and getting some curtains for our bedroom and hopefully some paint. Although so far my attempts for paint haven't been too successful. The Home Depot paint department just DOESN'T EXIST over here! I took a pillow and pillow sham to the hardware store the other day to try to match some paint colors. It was a negative...and I'm not looking for crazy colors here people...I'm talking beige and a light olive green. And one of the hardware stores I went to had the primary colors available and then any shade lighter, created by adding white...that's what I'm working with here! I have two more hopeful places to try in my paint search, so I haven't given up yet!
We have some exciting TV coming up soon...American Idol starts next week. Taylor and I love it! I'm not as huge a fan of the bad auditions...I like when they get to the Hollywood phase! But I learned quickly when I was visiting in Korea, I can't get on Facebook the day American Idol airs overseas, because it is a day behind the US...I ruined one of the result shows for myself...didn't do that again!! And the other show that I like is The Bachelor...I KNOOOOW...don't judge me. I started watching it back in high school and LOVED it in college. We used to have Bachelor parties in the lobby of South Carrick dorm with the big screen tv, ahhh, but I digress. I have missed a few seasons here and there, and I'm not crushed if I miss a show, but I found this blog a few years ago that makes the whole show worth watching. This girl named Lincee started satirically recapping the show in season one in an email to a few of her friends and it became so popular and got forwarded along so much she began a blog. There are now hundreds of readers and she is SO funny. I admit the show has gotten a bit more ridiculous over the years...not that it was ever REAL life (I know, Dad!). But the girls have gotten ditzier, the chests have gotten larger, and the occupations are including lots of models, entrepreneurs, and homemakers (though one of the homemakers isn't married and doesn't have a child...I'd call that unemployed-call me crazy!) But it just makes the material even better for Lincee's blog...and in case any of you are interested it is:
Alright, I guess I'm off. No big plans for the weekend except to get the Christmas tree to the eco should have gone 2 weeks ago BEFORE all the bristles started falling off everytime it is touched. My first live tree...I've learned. I swear I swept up half the tree after I took the ornaments off...we haven't even gotten the lights off yet.
Ciao bella!!
I emailed the AOCSC about joining and going to the next social, which happens to be Jan 14th, so I'm getting information about that. Intramural volleyball starts here in February, so hopefully I'll be able to do that. And my job is close to starting (I think) they're waiting on one more local clearance to go through. Just for the record, this has been the most extensive process I've ever gone through...have no fear that your children are in good hands at the base Youth Center. It included:
Driving History- including dates of tickets and addresses of courts that dealt with them (dating back 7 years)
TB Test
Local Driving Record
Transcripts-high school and college
Clearance check at Family Advocacy and Counseling
Background Check-including every place I've lived (7 years) and someone who can verify it there, every job/unemployment period (7 years) and someone who can verify it, every school i've attended and verified, and 3 close friends not being used to verify things on other parts of the application!!! THAT took awhile!
And after ALL that, I'm still waiting on transcripts that I requested in the middle of November!!! After receiving a hand signed authorization from me, they were finally sent November 30, but I never received them. They have now been RE-requested and we'll see if they come through this time. I have convinced Human Resources to let me start at a base pay until my transcripts come in so they don't hold up this whole process any longer!!
On to other things...there is a new captain in the squadron so we had a welcome dinner for him and his wife at Cassabianca, a local restaurant. They have a 2 year old and she is 6 months pregnant with her second. I thought moving was overwhelming with just the two of us, I can't even imagine having an extra 1 and a half in tow!!!
Taylor's flight went into a training schedule which has put him on a Monday through Friday schedule which he loves and it has been nice for me too! (Especially once I start working) He works much more normal hours and is actually home between 5-6 instead of 7-8pm.
I have decided to use some Christmas money towards decorating the guest room and getting some curtains for our bedroom and hopefully some paint. Although so far my attempts for paint haven't been too successful. The Home Depot paint department just DOESN'T EXIST over here! I took a pillow and pillow sham to the hardware store the other day to try to match some paint colors. It was a negative...and I'm not looking for crazy colors here people...I'm talking beige and a light olive green. And one of the hardware stores I went to had the primary colors available and then any shade lighter, created by adding white...that's what I'm working with here! I have two more hopeful places to try in my paint search, so I haven't given up yet!
We have some exciting TV coming up soon...American Idol starts next week. Taylor and I love it! I'm not as huge a fan of the bad auditions...I like when they get to the Hollywood phase! But I learned quickly when I was visiting in Korea, I can't get on Facebook the day American Idol airs overseas, because it is a day behind the US...I ruined one of the result shows for myself...didn't do that again!! And the other show that I like is The Bachelor...I KNOOOOW...don't judge me. I started watching it back in high school and LOVED it in college. We used to have Bachelor parties in the lobby of South Carrick dorm with the big screen tv, ahhh, but I digress. I have missed a few seasons here and there, and I'm not crushed if I miss a show, but I found this blog a few years ago that makes the whole show worth watching. This girl named Lincee started satirically recapping the show in season one in an email to a few of her friends and it became so popular and got forwarded along so much she began a blog. There are now hundreds of readers and she is SO funny. I admit the show has gotten a bit more ridiculous over the years...not that it was ever REAL life (I know, Dad!). But the girls have gotten ditzier, the chests have gotten larger, and the occupations are including lots of models, entrepreneurs, and homemakers (though one of the homemakers isn't married and doesn't have a child...I'd call that unemployed-call me crazy!) But it just makes the material even better for Lincee's blog...and in case any of you are interested it is:
Alright, I guess I'm off. No big plans for the weekend except to get the Christmas tree to the eco should have gone 2 weeks ago BEFORE all the bristles started falling off everytime it is touched. My first live tree...I've learned. I swear I swept up half the tree after I took the ornaments off...we haven't even gotten the lights off yet.
Ciao bella!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
We're at our 2 1/2 month mark of living over here and I have to say I have been proud of myself for how well I have held up being so far away from home. I've only had about two sad nights so far, one on my birthday...because I was on the other side of the world from everyone and no one here even knew it was my birthday and we didn't have good enough internet to talk on Skype I didn't even get to talk to anyone (besides typing). And one other random night before we had internet at home and I hadn't talked to anyone in weeks.
And now tonight.
Taylor has been working a bunch. And I have gotten to the point where I have the house pretty much put together, so not a lot to do at home. And I have a few friends over here...but I'm still at the point of getting to know everyone. It's not quite the comfortable stage of friends you've had forever. But I really like all the girls over's just a matter of getting to know everyone better. And most my friends have babies, which adds a WHOLE new dimension to life. (Don't worry, this isn't me wanting a baby right now...I don't) And I haven't started work, so I'm feeling a bit worthless right now in that department. And I just spent about an hour or two playing Bejeweled online. It's a stupid computer game.
I know, I know...would I like some cheese with my "whine"...but I just had to vent it! But don't worry, I have a plan. I'm going to try to join some going to the OCSC (Officer and Civilian Spouse Club) And I'd like to play intramural volleyball...but I have to find information on that. I will hopefully be starting work in the next 2 weeks or so. My paperwork is close to clearing...FINALLY! So hopefully things will start looking up.
It was just one of those nights...Taylor said..."uh oh, you got out your blanket". That's a sure sign :) It's just comforting hangs on the end of the bed for needed occasions. Taylor says it makes him feel like a real grown man when his wife is sleeping with a baby blanket. Haha. But I don't bring it out much.
Oh and to top it off...I just went in the fridge, grabbed a water bottle of Crystal Light, and took a few big drinks to swallow my medicine only to look down (after I drank it) and realize there was mold growing all down the inside of the water bottle and floating around in the water. GROSSS!!!!
Here's to a better tomorrow! And I hope everyone had a great start to twenty, ten!
And now tonight.
Taylor has been working a bunch. And I have gotten to the point where I have the house pretty much put together, so not a lot to do at home. And I have a few friends over here...but I'm still at the point of getting to know everyone. It's not quite the comfortable stage of friends you've had forever. But I really like all the girls over's just a matter of getting to know everyone better. And most my friends have babies, which adds a WHOLE new dimension to life. (Don't worry, this isn't me wanting a baby right now...I don't) And I haven't started work, so I'm feeling a bit worthless right now in that department. And I just spent about an hour or two playing Bejeweled online. It's a stupid computer game.
I know, I know...would I like some cheese with my "whine"...but I just had to vent it! But don't worry, I have a plan. I'm going to try to join some going to the OCSC (Officer and Civilian Spouse Club) And I'd like to play intramural volleyball...but I have to find information on that. I will hopefully be starting work in the next 2 weeks or so. My paperwork is close to clearing...FINALLY! So hopefully things will start looking up.
It was just one of those nights...Taylor said..."uh oh, you got out your blanket". That's a sure sign :) It's just comforting hangs on the end of the bed for needed occasions. Taylor says it makes him feel like a real grown man when his wife is sleeping with a baby blanket. Haha. But I don't bring it out much.
Oh and to top it off...I just went in the fridge, grabbed a water bottle of Crystal Light, and took a few big drinks to swallow my medicine only to look down (after I drank it) and realize there was mold growing all down the inside of the water bottle and floating around in the water. GROSSS!!!!
Here's to a better tomorrow! And I hope everyone had a great start to twenty, ten!
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